Friday, May 27, 2011


This time last week I was in labour. It seems so hard to believe, it wasn't meant to happen that way at all. I woke up that morning with the slow realisation coming over me that it hadn't all been just an upsetting dream.

Labour was about 7 1/2 hours long, my shortest by a long way. Drug two panadol count? Baby L.T. was born, with a tiny bit of that 'oh wow' factor I've heard about in regards to a natural, drug free birth. All 320 grams of him. He never took a breath, we didn't expect him to. We spent an hour with him, the midwives took hand prints and footprints for us.

We said our hellos and goodbyes.

We cried.


Charlotte Scott said...

Wish I was there to give you a hug.

Kath Lockett said...

Oh Cat.

Oh dear sweet lovely, suffering Cat. That is news and an experience too terrible to explain or to understand fully but I am so, so sorry. Sapphire and LC are in this tiny Geneva room with me and heard my cry. They too want me to send you a hug or seventeen.

I don't know how things can be made better for you dear Cat but I hope that you'll smile sometime soon.

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